Saturday, 28 November 2015

TED talk show journal, a website offer the great inspiration talk shows to the public. They would show the successful experience for the people. However, this time is a little bit different. It is a radio style talk show which is about the worst example of flag design.

There are five instructions for flag design.
1.          Keep it simple ( The flag should be simple that a child can draw it from memory)
2.          Use meaningful symbolism
3.          Use 2 to 3 basic colors
4.          No letter or seal
5.          Be distinctive (or be related)

Roman Mars who is the speaker, discovered there are a lot of awful flag designs from many countries which are not famous. They got too many details and letters on the flag. The purpose of the flag is to identify the country but those designs below make people feeling lag. (Start from 8:04 from the video)

        As Roman Mars said the design’s definition is “Making life better and provide enjoy”. Those flags are hard for people to remember it. It is not making our life better so I agree that kind of design should be stopped.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Drawing leg

       For the realistic drawing advancement, understanding the foundation of human’s figures and muscles is inevitable. That helps designers ready for any moment able to draw or create a great human figure without any research so that their drawing time will be shorter and their creation won’t be affected or limited by the researched images. Therefore I copied the muscles of the leg figure from Pinterest and adding a pose of  a leg on my sketch book below.

My Sketching:

1.          Sartorius
2.          Rectus Femoris
3.          Vastus Lateralis
4.          Vastus Medialis
5.          Tibialis Anterior
6.          Gastrocnemius
7.          Soleus
8.          LLiobial band
9.          Vastus Externus
10.      Biceps Fmoris
11.      Patella
12.      Soleus
13.      Peroneus

Saturday, 21 November 2015

My First Self Haircut Experience

This weekend, I got a new special experience in my life. I tried to cut my hair by myself. I bought a hair shaver and tried to shave both sides and the back of my hair to be shorter. It was quite nervous before the start. I watched few self haircut tutorials on YouTube to gain my confident. However, it is not effective. I was still being nervous as the first experience tried to touch a huge animal.

However, I feel quite satisfied for the outcome even though the back is fail. I planned and drew what’s next I should be careful about. Such as which level of thickness of the protector should I use on which area.

In this experience, I learnt sometimes don’t be scared to try new things. That will affect the improvement of learning. Even though it didn’t success, it will be a warning in my heart.

The TED Talk show

        Today I watched the TED talk show which is about the design for all five senses. I haven’t thought about the five senses elements should be decided on designing. I will recommend this talk show to all people who are stuck of their design.

        Jinsop Lee said people love the things which can satisfy their five senses. However, when people were trying to design somethings, they often ignored the other senses of the product. They can try to add or increase other senses of the products. For the example, the clock are designed for the users to see the time. How about smelling? Someone designed to put different kind of oil under the sunlight so that in each section of timing, the different oil could be smelled. That is a great idea.

        I will start considering those five senses elements in my mind when I doing the design projects. That is the things which can't be studyed in the classroom.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Try to improve human drawing

I like to draw human and I will draw them when I am bored. However I don’t know where is the right place of the muscles of the arms and legs when every times I tried to draw them. I want to draw my character more realistic. Therefore, I am going to find out the actual placement of each muscle of the arm this time.
I searched some information and images on Pinterest and found out the name of the muscles of the parts of arm. I tried to draw them below.

1.           Deltoid
2.           Triceps brachii
3.           Biceps brachii
4.           Brachialis
5.           Brachioradials
6.           Flexor carpi ulnaris
7.           Flexor Carpi Radials

I also tried to imagine and test how they look like in different angles in one pose:

The scale is wrong but never mind. That was just testing. I will improve next time.

Talk show From Ted

      Today I watched a talk show by Tony Fadell. The title is ‘The first secret of great design.’ I was thinking could I  have great design after watching the video from his talk. However, I didn’t expect this talk affect my mind so much. It also inspired me how should I learn.

      Tony said human’s brain can’t remember every thing in once. Therefore the brain will keep saving one kind of information so that the brain can remember it by habituation and get more spaces to learn new things. Then, I understand why I can’t learn new vocabularies effectively.  When I studying, I like to put all information together and try to put them once in my mind. That made my brain overloaded and couldn’t remember them. Maybe I should learn new thing more slowly.

       However, habituation also makes people ignore the problems. They think the problems are the part of the world. Tony said sometimes we need to step back to look at the problem so we can see the whole body of it. And that is how people start gets great ideas of the product design.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

The Experience of TED Today

Today, I watched a video which is about controlling someone’s arm with your brain, on When I saw the title, I was confused and thought ‘Is that possible?’ I take that back in my mind. The TED talk shows are famous with the inspiration for the audiences so the information of the show wouldn’t be too fantasy. It might be possible. After that, I clicked on the video.

The talker of the show, Greg Gage explanted our brain can send the signal to our arms’ muscle so it can move. If we copy the same signal and send it to someone else’s arms’ muscle, it will have the same movement too. He found two volunteers who are a male and female, to try the experiment. He put two electro aids on each volunteer’s arm. Then, he connected their electro aid with his DIY tool. When the female one was moving her arm, the male one’s arm was moved!!! The result is amazing!!! This talk show inspired me to create some ideas and topics for my science fiction drawing. If I got the chance to make an animation, I want to create a story about what would happen in the future if human can control others in the society.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Approach to recording and learning vocabulary

The Lack of vocabulary will affect our normal communication or academic writing’s quality in negative way. Therefore recording and learning vocabulary for your second language are important.

In my opinion, reading novel is the most efficient way to learn vocabularies. It is because there are a lot of adjectives could be found in novels. The author will describe every scene detail with various particular words. We can learn their styles to describe the object or view through reading their articles. I also found a book to read which is called “The Wolf in Wall ST.” The half of the words in page one which can drive me crazy. If I keep on reading it, my English level can upgrade fast. I decide to keep on reading during the process of taking the train. Hope I can run this plan as soon as possible because I always forget to take the book outside with me.

My teacher suggested some websites to learn and record the new words. However, I don’t turn on my notebook often. Despite I always forget to use those websites to help me to study, I will use my phone’s dictionary apps function to record the new words from reading. I also want to train myself to record the new words from watching Youtube. If that become my habit, I think it could gain my vocabularies faster than reading novels. It is because I hate reading but watching and listening.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

My English learning goal and strategies

        My English language is very awful. The reasons are below.
1. I don’t spend time to study (especially at home).
2. I don’t have reading habit so I’m lack of vocabularies.

        Therefore, my goals are improving those two points.

1.      Spend time to study
2.      More readings


        First, the atmosphere is the main aspect to maintain my motivation to study. Staying at home can stop my motivation to study. There are too many things can entice me. Such as bed, snacks, TV and the most evil things----Computer!!!! Those things make me can’t pay attention on my study. However, if I change the environment to a quiet and many people doing the same things as me, nothing can entice me anymore because the atmosphere become hard working. I discovered if my result was awful and comparing with others, I couldn’t accept it. I will start to chase up my study harder. For another example, my friend starting to do some exercise and make their bodies look good. Then, I started to compare mine with them. I started to think I can’t be fat anymore and I should chase them up. I can’t be far behind. Then, I started to do exercise until I leave my home country. From this example, it can explain the atmosphere able to change me and gain the motivation to do something which others are doing. Therefore, choosing library will be a perfect choice for me to gain motivation to study and reading about few hours after school every day. 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Which Learning Style Fit for Me?

Today I have done an interesting quiz which able to check which type of learning style is fit for yourselves. The result shows I belong to the one of Visual-Spatial. When I saw it, it seems like true. I love to view and drawing any things which is beautiful. However I thought again and again. When I was learning to draw, I was using the scale, logic and theories to line out the shape or painting on the paper basically. Those skills were learnt from my experiences and mostly from other’s opinions. Therefore I’m large extent disagree the result. I suppose I‘m belonging to the one of Logical-Mathematical.

Linguistic        25%

Visual-Spatial                 75%

Intrapersonal           38%

Interpersonal   38%

Musical    31%

Naturalistic      42%

VAK survey result: Visual-Saptial



Visual-spatial intelligence allows you to see and modify things in your mind. This kind of understanding of the visual world -- and its relation to physical items -- is valuable in solving spatial problems, designing, and doing crafts.

Sample activities:
  • Use art projects to create representations of the content you are learning.
  • Draw related images next to your notes -- along with arrows between ideas -- to create connection and reference points.
  • Organize with color. Use different-colored highlighters, paper, index cards, folders, or tabs to create a visual system for finding things and grouping topics.
  • Visualize your topic. When you are learning something new, imagine what it looks like.


Those skills may help me to organize the information efficiently. However it can’t help me memorize the knowledge well. Most of the important information was recorded by words. They are not pictures or graphic and they couldn’t save in my mind well. Therefore visual-spatial couldn’t help my memorizing well. In this situation, using logic and theory can help me to reckon the truth or result easily. That helps me able to memorise lesser information to understand the knowledge how it works. Just like mathematics, understanding the formulas and memorize the formulas are very different. Most of the students who are in Asia, just remember the formula in their mind. They couldn’t solve the questions if the patterns were changed. They need to remember different way to solve each question’s patterns. However when you understood how did the formulas work, you don’t need to worry about the questions’ patterns. Even though the pattern was changed, then you can still reckon the answer well. Therefore logical-mathematical can help me understanding the knowledge and solving my weakness--- memorizing.


Logical-Mathematical [<--------I suppose to learn with this style :) ]

Logical-mathematical intelligence is about understanding complex problems and conceptualizing relationships between symbols, processes, and actions.
This type of intelligence asks questions, finds solutions, and reflects on the problem-solving process.

Sample activities:

  • Think about what you are trying to learn as a puzzle or a formula.
  • Ask questions, and allow yourself to experiment with your own hypotheses to find solutions or new answers.
  • Concentrate on symbols, designs, and words to bridge mathematical and verbal logic.
  • Create an outline to understand your subject step by step. Doing so will allow you to stay organized and track what you're learning in a logical sequence.